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Monitoring system for the local distributed generation infrastructures of the smart grid

G. López, A.T. Almeida, P. S. Moura, M. Pérez, J.I. Moreno, L. Blanco

22th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2013, Estocolmo (Suecia). 10-13 junio 2013


Distributed generation infrastructures based on renewable energies represent a key piece of the Smart Grid puzzle. However, such infrastructures increase dramatically the variability and randomness of energy generation, thus increasing the complexity of the grid management. Therefore, they need to be carefully monitored in order to properly integrate them into the electrical grid. This paper presents the novel monitoring system for distributed generation infrastructures integrated into the M2M-based platform for energy efficiency in energy-positive neighbourhoods which is being developed under the European project ENERsip. The paper describes the overall architecture of such monitoring system, as well as the developed pieces of hardware and software. In addition, the validation of the system is also outlined.

Palabras clave: distributed power generation, energy conservation, power grids, power system measurement, smart power grids

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en CIRED 2013, pp: 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-84919-732-8

Fecha de publicación: 2013-06-10.

G. López, A.T. Almeida, P. S. Moura, M. Pérez, J.I. Moreno, L. Blanco, Monitoring system for the local distributed generation infrastructures of the smart grid, 22th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2013, Estocolmo (Suecia). 10-13 junio 2013. En: CIRED 2013: Conference proceedings, e-ISBN: 978-1-84919-732-8

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC)
  • Redes inteligentes
  • Protocolos de intercambio de datos

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